CORE CURRICULUM The TOPS Core Curriculum Reference


The TOPS Core Curriculum Reference Tables used in the Student Transcript System are available on
the Department of Education’s LEADS Portal, on the STSQ12
report and on LOSFA’s Web site, Also available on these sites are the Course Code Tables.
Q-1. Do I need to take the TOPS Core Curriculum?
A. Students who entered the 9th grade in the 2015-2016 academic year have the option of the TOPS
University Diploma or the Career Diploma. You should periodically discuss course requirements with
your high school guidance counselor to ensure that you're on track to graduate AND to be eligible to
receive TOPS.
You should create an account on the Louisiana Student Hub
( and keep up with your progress toward meeting
the requirements for a TOPS Award. Note that LOSFA will not be able to provide you with this
information unless your parents provide consent for LOSFA to receive your academic data. See
Q & A on Privacy.
Q-2. If my high school does not offer a TOPS core course, can it be waived?
A. No, a TOPS core course cannot be waived, except under limited circumstances for students with
disabilities and/or exceptionalities.

 You are required to complete the TOPS core curriculum requirements. If your school does not offer
a course, other arrangements such as correspondence, distance learning, or dual enrollment for college
credit must be made to acquire the course before graduation if you want to qualify for a TOPS award.
These classes must be listed on your official high school transcript at the time of graduation to be
considered for the TOPS core curriculum.
NOTE: Grades earned in dual enrollment courses will be included in the calculation of your TOPS
cumulative GPA after your first semester in college. Any grades you’ve earned for college courses
prior to your first semester as a full time student will be included in this calculation. High grades in
these dual enrollment or summer courses will help to increase your GPA, while lower grades will
decrease your GPA.
Q-3. I graduated from an out-of-state/out-of-country high school. Do I have to meet the TOPS core
curriculum requirements to be eligible for a TOPS Award?
A. No. You are NOT required to meet the TOPS core curriculum requirements to qualify for a TOPS
Award. HOWEVER, you must have an ACT (SAT) score of at least 20 for TOPS Tech and at least
a 23 for Opportunity, 26 for Performance and 30 for Honors.
Q-4. I did not take French I, but took French II and French III. Can these two classes be used to
meet the Foreign Language requirement?
A. Yes. The TOPS statute only requires two (2) units in the same language.
Q-5. I am taking American Sign Language. Can these courses be counted as TOPS core curriculum
foreign language courses?
A. Yes. Note that LDE does not consider courses currently designated as “Signing” or “Sign Language”
to include all the necessary components of American Sign Language, so these courses are not
acceptable as substitutes.
Q-6. Can I be eligible for TOPS if I graduated early and could only take Business English instead of
English IV?
A. No. You would not be eligible for TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors because the TOPS
statute requires English IV. However, you may be eligible for the TOPS Tech Award IF you have
followed the TOPS Jump Start Curriculum and completed all required courses for that curriculum.
Q-7. In the past, some of the TOPS core curriculum courses could be substituted for Art. 

courses does this include for 2021 graduates?
A. The following courses satisfy the Art requirement in the TOPS Core Curriculum: 1 unit of
performance courses in music, dance, or theater; or 1 unit of studio art or 1 unit of visual art; drafting:
or Speech III and Speech IV (both for 1 unit). Other TOPS Core Curriculum courses may not be used
to substitute for Art.
Q-8. If I passed a proficiency test for a foreign language, can the unit be used for completion of the
TOPS core curriculum foreign language requirement?
A. Yes. If your high school credits the foreign language unit obtained through proficiency testing in the
Student Transcript System, it may be used for the TOPS core curriculum. You must receive credit for
two units in the same foreign language.

Q-9. I have taken college courses for credit. May these be considered as part of the TOPS core
curriculum for TOPS purposes?
A. Yes. College level courses taken independently during the summer or in a dual enrollment program
such as TOPS Tech Early Start, whether in the classroom, on-line, or by correspondence, may be used
to qualify for TOPS if your high school determines the courses are TOPS core equivalent courses,
approves the course for high school credit, and the courses are credited on your official high school
transcript using the correct Department of Education course code and transmitted to LOSFA by the
Student Transcript System. 

College level courses taken in an early admissions program must be reported on the forms required by
the Louisiana Department of Education. See the Q&A on “Early College Admission Programs” for
additional information.
Q-10. I grew up in China and speak fluent Chinese, but I am just now learning English. Can the
English courses count as the foreign language, and if not, can the fact that I speak Chinese count?
A. No. English is not considered a foreign language. The English courses are part of the core curriculum.
You must take and pass the foreign language courses during high school. By itself, the fact that you
speak Chinese does not count towards the TOPS core curriculum foreign language requirement;
however, if you pass a proficiency test in Chinese and it is credited on your official transcript and is
entered in STS, 

it may be used to satisfy the foreign language requirement.
Q-11. Who should be contacted to get approval for courses taught at a high school that may be
equivalent to courses in the TOPS core curriculum?
A. Requests for equivalent courses from public schools must be submitted by the school board to both
BESE and LOSFA. Requests for equivalent courses from non-public schools must be submitted by
the school’s governing body to both BESE and LOSFA. A copy of the course syllabus must be
included with the request. Note that a course not listed in Bulletin 741 will not be considered.
Q-12. Can Integrated Mathematics I, II and III substitute for TOPS core curriculum courses?
A. Yes. Integrated Mathematics I, II and III substitute for Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry.
Separately, the courses substitute as Integrated Mathematics I for Algebra I, Integrated Mathematics
II for Algebra II and Integrated Mathematics III for Geometry.
Q-14. I earned ½ unit in two different performance courses in music, dance or theater. Can these
courses be used to complete the 1 full unit of performance courses required as a substitute for
A. Yes. You may use two ½ unit performance, or two ½ unit visual arts, or two ½ unit studio arts courses,
or two ½ unit drafting courses, or two ½ unit photography courses to substitute for Art.
Contact LOSFA by email at or by mail to request a determination through an audit
if there is a computation problem.
Note: The ½ units of credit received must be in the same program type to satisfy the TOPS core
curriculum requirement (performance, studio or visual arts). For example, one ½ unit performance
art courses may not be combined with one ½ unit studio arts courses to satisfy the Art core curriculum
Q-15. How many core units do I have to earn to complete the core curriculum for the TOPS
Opportunity, Performance or Honors awards?
A. You must earn 19 core units.
Q-16. Can I substitute Agriscience I & II for the 3rd science course requirement and the additional
math/science requirement?
A. You must earn 4 math units and 4 science units. Agriscience I & II (both for one unit) may be used
to satisfy one unit of the science requirement.
Q-17. Can I use Anatomy and Physiology as one of the advanced science courses?
A. Beginning with 2018 graduates, Human Anatomy and Physiology may be used to substitute for
Biology II.
Q-18. Can I receive TOPS core curriculum credit for both Anatomy and Physiology and Biology II?
A. No.
Q-19. If I received a “D” in Art and I have a higher grade in an extra TOPS core curriculum elective
such as World Geography, will the grade for the elective substitute for Art in the TOPS
Cumulative High School Grade Point Average?

 A. No. The only courses that satisfy the Art requirement are: 1 unit of performance courses in music,
dance, or theater; or 1 unit of studio art or 1 unit of visual art; 1 unit of drafting; or Speech III and
Speech IV (both for 1 unit). Other TOPS Core Curriculum courses may not be used to substitute for
Q-20. If I received a D in Art and I also have 1 unit of Studio Art with an A, which do you use to
calculate the TOPS Core GPA?
A. Since the Studio Arts course has the higher grade, it will be used to calculate the TOPS Core GPA.
Q-21. If I fail Art and do not repeat the course, but I have an eligible elective to substitute, how is the
GPA calculated?
A. The Art course will not be considered because a failed course cannot be used to complete the TOPS
core curriculum. 

Q-22. If I take two band courses to substitute for one Art course, do you average the two band course
A. No. Since only one unit of band is required to satisfy the Art requirement, the band course with the
highest grade will be used.
Q-23. I took one year of Beginning Chorus and earned an "A" the first semester and a "B" the second
semester. Can I take the first semester "A" of Beginning Chorus and the second semester "A"
of Advanced Vocal Ensemble to equal one whole unit of the required unit of a performing art
for purposes of meeting the Art Requirement?
A. Yes. ½ unit of a one unit course may be separated and matched with ½ unit of another course of the
same program type (performance, studio or visual arts) to satisfy the Art requirement. Contact
LOSFA by email at or by mail if you believe that an art course with a higher GPA
should be used to calculate your TOPS high school GPA.

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