Girls preparation into Alison Academy




When comparing the boarding experience for girls and boys at Florida Prep the differences are marked.

The reasons for enrolling, the residential experience, and the comradery between students, while similar, are still different; reflecting the variances a parent would notice if siblings of both sexes lived at home.

Enter the girl’s wing at Florida Prep and you’ll find a suite of rooms each with its own distinct personality, and decorated by the girls themselves.

When boys arrive on the Florida Prep campus it’s often with little more than a suitcase, computer, and TV.  Girls, however, arrive carrying colorful rugs, wall-hangings, and coordinated bedspreads.

How the room is decorated is a bonding experience for the new occupants, and is often their first opportunity to communicate and to become friends with their new room-mates. Visits to other dorm rooms, the local mall, and stores follow as the decorating continues. The process mirrors that of entering a college dorm; strangers are thrown together and make it work.

Should the process of settling in prove difficult for a student, our experienced Residential Dean, Ms. Ebonie Carter, is on hand to ensure homesickness, or any other issues that might arise, are dealt with quickly and confidentially and girls find themselves rapidly assimilated into the Florida Prep community.

We asked several current families why they initially considered boarding their female student at Florida Prep and the responses were as interesting as the young ladies themselves.

A Social Media Influencer found herself harassed at Public School because of her fame. The girl’s parents worked overseas, moved often, and needed stability for her. A highly intelligent student found she was unable to move forward academically because the school would not allow her to move up a grade.  An international senior was worried her English skills were lacking and may affect her college acceptance.

All their stories were as different as the girls themselves, and there are many more, but they all decided that boarding at Florida Prep was the right choice for them.

If you are the parent or guardian of a young lady who may also be a great fit for our female boarding community contact us today, places are limited.

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  1. please i need some information about academies that offers humanity science in sweden

  2. is there any girls group makes trips to lakes in finland ?

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