Under Economic Growth


Abstract: Under Economic Growth mean
constantly increasing volume of production in a
country, or an increase in gross domestic product
as the main quantitative indicators of production
for a period of one year. Economic development
is not only quantitative changes when it comes
to the economic position of the country, but also
qualitative changes (changing the economic
structure, the emergence of new sectors and
industries, new jobs, etc..). They lead to a better
and more complete satisfaction of all human
Production per capita is a measure of the ability
of a society to achieve their goals of social and
economic development, all in order to meet the
constantly growing social needs. The increase in
output per capita in economic theory is
expressed as economic growth, without which no
economic development, but does not have any
economic growth to be a function of economic
Keywords: Growth, Development,

Economy, Equity, Changes.
To meet the constantly growing
needs of the population, human society
is forced into a process of constant
renewal of production of various
material goods and services. This
constant renewal of the production
process, which is associated with
distribution, exchange and consumption,
that is, as we have defined these four
stages - social reproduction, is a general
legality and necessity in every mode of
production. We note that there is a
simple, scaled and expanded social
reproduction, and that the volume of
production may, from year to year,
remain the same, decrease or increase.
Bearing in mind that the scope of
societal needs, continuously growing,
then as general legality imposes
expanded social reproduction process.
That is why we say that the extended
theory of social reproduction represents
both economic theory or economic
development. Analysis of the economic
conditions or economic development
very early became the object of study of
political economy. Even at the time of
the physiocrats, their main representative
Francois Kene, explored the laws of
restoring production in the macro scale.
However, the level of development of
modern economic theory of political
economy is not expected only to explain
the process of social reproduction, but to
perform an economic analysis and thus
to point out the possible choice of
means, ways and methods that can be
used for the realization of the objectives
of economic development. In this way,
economic theory formed the basis on the
basis of certain decisions are made that
are used for regulating and directing the
flow of the process of social

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