handbook to compiled for gas industry knowledge

 This handbook has been compiled for readers with an interest in the oil and
gas industry. It is an overview of the main processes and equipment. When
we searched for a suitable introduction to be used for new engineers, I
discovered that much of the equipment is described in standards, equipment
manuals and project documentation. Little material was found to quickly give
the reader an overview of the entire oil and gas industry, while still
preserving enough detail to let the engineer have an appreciation of the main
characteristics and design issues.
I have had many requests that downstream processes be included, and
have restructured the book into Upstream, Midstream, Refining and
Petrochemical, adding basic information on these facilities. The main focus
of the book is still the upstream production process. 

This book is by no means a complete description on the detailed design of
any part of this process, and many details have been omitted in order to
summarize a vast subject.
The material has been compiled from various online resources, as well as
ABB and customer documents. I am grateful to my colleagues in the industry
for providing their valuable input and comments. I have included many
photos to give you, the reader, an impression of what typical facilities or
equipment look like. Non-ABB photo sources are given below pictures; other
pictures and illustrations are copyrighted by ABB. 

Edition 3.0 Oslo, August 2013
Håvard Devold
©2006 - 2013 ABB Oil and Gas Except as otherwise indicated, all materials, including but not limited to design, text, graphics,
other files, and the selection and arrangement thereof, are the copyright property of ABB, ALL
RIGHTS RESERVED. You may electronically copy and print a hard-copy of this document only
for non-commercial or personal use, within the organization that employs you, provided that the
materials are not modified and all copyright or proprietary notices are retained. Use of photos
and graphics and references from other sources in no way promotes or endorses these
products and services and is for illustration only. Pictures credited to Wikipedia are licensed
under GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) or Public Domain (PD) and are published here
with the same license. Originals and full information can be found on www.wikimedia.org

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