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The Burden of this Book consisting in rooting out the Rebellion of our own Will, that we
may attain to internal Peace.
29. The way of inward Peace, is in all things to be conform to the pleasure and disposition
of the Divine Will. (Hugo Cardinalisin Pf. 13.) In omnibus debemus subjicere volis tatem
nostram voluntatis divine hæc est enim pax voluntati nostra ut sit per omnia confirmis
voluntati divine. Such as would have all things succeed and come to pass according to their
own fancy, are not come to know this way, Viam pacis non cognos verunt, and therefore
lead a harsh and bitter life, always restless and out of humour without treading the way of
Peace, which consists in a total conformity to the will of God.
30. This conformity is the sweet yoke that introduces us into the regions of internal Peace
and serenity. Hence we may know, that the rebellion of our Will is the chief occasion of our
disquiet; and that because we will not submit to the sweet yoke of the Divine Will, we suffer
so many streights and perturbations. O Soul! if we submitted our own to the Divine Will, 

and to all his Disposition, what tranquility should we feel! what sweet peace! what inward
serenity! what supreme felicity and earnest of bliss!. This then is to be the burden of this
Book: May it please God to give me his Divine Light, for discovering the secret Paths of this
Inward Way, and chief Felicity of perfect Peace.

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